2025 Categories
Entries are now open for the Building Awards 2025
Please contact our team if you would like more information and good luck!
To enter, select your category from the dropdown and click 'Enter now'.
To enter multiple awards, tick the relevant boxes and proceed to log in or create an account.
Once registered you can add or remove categories and submit entries for as many awards as you qualify for.
Architectural Practice of the Year
The architectural practice award is open to all UK registered architectural firms that have worked on projects in the last 12 months (April 2024 - April 2025). Their creative approach leads to outstanding features on projects and contributes to innovative solutions to difficult problems.
Building Magazine Project of the Year
The Building Magazine Project of the Year award is open to all members of the project team for a project in the UK that has been completed (or at least one major phase has been completed) between April 2024 and April 2025. The award is open to all types of construction firm that helped to deliver the project.
- How does the project delight its users and enhance their wellbeing? Is the building well planned and attractive? What steps were taken to ensure the building met or exceeded the client brief and is fit for purpose? Please include facts and data that highlights the building’s successful realisation.
- How does the building integrate into its context and enhance the local community? What steps were taken to ensure the building enhanced the locality including massing, materials selection and social value benefits?
- Sustainability: What sustainability and other benchmarks have been applied to the project and what ratings does it achieve? And what if any arrangements have been made to assess operational building performance?
- Construction performance and value for money: Does the project include any especially innovative features that contributed to improving project delivery or building performance? Was the project finished on time and to budget? What budgetary constraints did you come up against, if any, and how did you overcome them? What makes the project good value for money including long term value?
How did you promote collaboration with the project team and how did this improve project outcomes? Please provide a testimonial from the client where possible.
Written summary Make sure to cover the specific points listed in the criteria within this written section to tell us why your entry should win (max 750 words in the text box provided). Entries should also include: Upload a document that completes your entry with information about how your project stands out. The document should be no more than 10 A4 sized pages. The total upload limit is 40mb. Photos of the project, these are vital for the judges to view at the shortlisting and judging sessions. Also we recommend you provide as least high quality images) that would show your entry in the best possible light when shortlisted entries are displayed on a big screen at the awards ceremony (minimum size 1920 x 1080 pixels). Location plan and a plan and section. A list of the key members of the project team in your submission, including: architect, key consultants, main contractor and client.
Building's Good Employer of the Year
This category rewards construction firms that promote a high-quality work environment for their employees.
The judges will be looking for evidence that employers are providing opportunities for career advancement including training and development initiatives. Employers should also have policies that promote wellbeing and a healthy work life balance including flexible working, a quality work environment, maternity and paternity leave and efforts to tackle a long hours culture.
Good employers will have equality, diversity & inclusion embedded in the organisation, promoting initiatives that ensure women, people of colour, the LGBTQ+ community, disabled people and other under-represented groups are not disadvantaged in the workplace.
Please refer to reasons that you deserve to win the award this year, with particular note to any initiatives that have spanned across April 2024-April 2025.
Companies that are shortlisted in this category will also be invited to submit further details to feature in our Good Employer Guide, which we plan to publish in early 2026.
CEO of the Year, sponsored by DGP
This Award is not open for nominations, and the final shortlist will be compiled from Building's research throughout the past year. This Award will recognise a leading CEO who demonstrates intense commitment and dedication to the Built Environment.
Construction Client of the Year
The client can enter directly, or be nominated by a member of their supply chain. This category is free to enter/nominate, and Building will also be undertaking research from our data partners to create the final shortlist.
This category is open to any overall client for construction work that took place between April 2024 and April 2025, whether a programme of work or a single project.
It is designed to reward clients that show an outstanding approach to construction delivery, including through promoting supply chain collaboration, attitude towards sustainability, and delivering projects to time and budget. Supply chain members who nominate a client should include signed consent of the nominee on the entry form.
Construction Consultant/Surveyor of the Year (fewer than 100 staff)
This category is open to any type of construction consultancy with fewer than 100 staff. This includes all types of multi-disciplinary practices and any other type of construction consultant, including building or quantity surveyors and project management companies.
The projects and construction work your firm has been involved with in the last 12 months (April 2024-April 2025) demonstrates outstanding features and innovative solutions to difficult problems.
Construction Consultant/Surveyor of the Year (over 100 staff)
This category is open to any type of construction consultancy with 100 staff or more. This includes all types of multi-disciplinary practices and any other type of construction consultant, including building or quantity surveyors and project management companies.
The projects and construction work your firm has been involved with in the last 12 months (April 2024-April 2025) demonstrates outstanding features and innovative solutions to difficult problems.
Contractor of the Year (up to £500m)
This contractor category is aimed at firms with up to £500m turnover that work as main contractors.
The projects and his contractor category is aimed at firms with up to £500m turnover that work as main contractors.
The projects and construction work your firm has been involved with in the last 12 months (April 2024-April 2025) demonstrates outstanding features and innovative solutions to difficult problems.
Delivering Social Value Award
Our Delivering Social Value Award is to recognise the contribution that the built environment has on people's lives. This category will assess construction projects that have had a social, economic and environmental impact in the UK. It is for a built project that can demonstrate it has had a measurably positive effect on end users, a local community or a targeted group.
The judges will be looking for schemes that inspire others and demonstrate how construction can bring about positive change by creating healthier, safer and more resilient communities. Entrants need to demonstrate they have engaged with the local community from an early stage in the project.
The project must have been built and completed in the last three years and is open to all members of a project team.
Digital Excellence Award
This category is open to any member of the project team that has taken advantage of digital technology to pioneer innovative new ways of delivering construction projects more efficiently, predictably, and of better quality.
Initiatives can include, but in no way limited to, utilising digital technologies to make project design more effective or streamlining construction by using digital information in combination with an onsite or offsite manufacturing or assembly process.
This award is also open to those who are utilising digital design and construction information to make building operation more reliable, efficient and lower energy, and the initiative must have commenced, or your work focussed, on the timeframe between April 2024 and April 2025.
Engineering Consultant of the Year
This category is open to firms who offer a variety of services from an engineering-led base. Firms working in all branches of engineering within the built environment are eligible to enter.
The projects and construction work your firm has been involved with in the last 12 months (April 2024-April 2025) demonstrates outstanding features and innovative solutions to difficult problems.
Housebuilder & Housing Developer of the year
This category is aimed at all sizes of firms building homes as either a standalone developer or as a partner with a public sector authority or housing association for which the entrant has a financial stake of at least 50%.
The housebuilding work your firm has been involved with in the last 12 months (April 2024-April 2025) demonstrates outstanding features and innovative solutions to difficult problems.
Housing Project of the Year, in partnership with The Housing Forum
This award is open to housebuilders, housing providers, developers or members of their project teams who have completed a large development in the UK of at least 15 new units between April 2024 and April 2025. (For large phased developments, at least one major phase must have been completed during this time frame). It is very important to include photographs of the completed development.
MMC Award
The category is open to all members of a project team involved in a project constructed using offsite construction techniques. The project must be substantially constructed from elements fabricated offsite with the majority of site work restricted to assembly. Entries will also be considered for projects where one major element of the project has been constructed using offsite techniques, for example the building services. The project must have been completed between April 2024 and April 2025. This award is open to all firms, including manufacturers that have been involved in the offsite elements of the project.
Major Contractor of the Year (over £500m), sponsored by Fenwick Elliott
Manufacturer of the Year
This award recognises the manufacturers who have really gone the extra mile in their partnerships with the construction industry. Any organisation that supplies a product or software to the industry is eligible to enter. Please refer to reasons that you deserve to win the award this year, with particular note to any initiatives that have spanned across April 2023-April 2024.
You should include pictures to illustrate highlighted project and entries will be judged on the following criteria:
- Customer service: (Demonstrate how challenges faced by the industry are solved by proactively offering initiatives or products that deliver success for their clients. Highlight systems used and how often satisfaction levels are measured)
- Innovation: (Explain how your solutions and products are innovative. Evidence can include metrics, product development information to solve a specific issue)
- How your firm is responding to the current market conditions (Consider questions such as: What are you doing differently? What is your approach to partnering with clients and suppliers?)
Net Zero Award, in partnership with UKGBC
This category is open to all members of the project team for an exemplar net zero initiative or project that advances the net zero agenda
Projects (or at least one major phase) must have been constructed in the UK and completed between April 2024 and April 2025, with evidence that the project has made an outstanding contribution towards reducing carbon emissions from the built environment. Projects entered into this category can include the reduction of the emissions from construction, operation and deconstruction of buildings.
The award is also open to any initiative that promotes the net zero agenda. This could include design tools and monitoring and reporting mechanisms and tools that are focused on achieving net zero within buildings.
Retrofit Project of the Year
The category is open to all members of the project team involved in remodelling an existing structure in the UK that has been completed (or at least one major phase has been completed) between April 2024 and April 2025. The award is open to all types of construction firm that helped to deliver the project. Projects will be judged on design, sustainability, innovation and construction performance and procurement and team work with the client.
Small Project of the Year (up to £5m)
The category is open to all members of the project team for a project within the UK, with a construction value of up to £5m, that has been completed between April 2024 and April 2025. The award is open to all types of construction firm that helped to deliver the project. Projects will be judged on design, sustainability, innovation and construction performance and procurement and team work with the client.
Specialist Contractor of the Year
The specialist contractor award is aimed at specialist sub-contractors - but not specialist divisions of main contractors that undertake, for example, housing refurbishment work. Specialist firms owned by large contractors are able to enter.
NB please note that a specialist firm that operates principally as a main contractor should be entered into the relevant main contractor category rather than the specialist contractor category.
The projects and construction work your firm has been involved with in the last 12 months (April 2024-April 2025) demonstrates outstanding features and innovative solutions to difficult problems.